ohpurplefrosting says hi

+65. She is brave and faces her life head-on.
24 years old. A primary school teacher.
Engaged to the love of her life.
Friday, 7 February 2014 @ 09:57
Skincare Junkies: To use or not to use?
Was alerted by Facebook(awww!Facebook kasi info lagi cepat dari newspaper!) that HSA alerted members of the public about Han's Skin Care Cosmetics Product that were found to contain undeclared potent ingredient.

Eh, why do I feel that this incident is very expected? Uhhh, I know because there's so many unhappiness or 'create awareness' spreading online about Han's Skin Care. If you're an active FB user yourself, you confirm lah mesti pernah bace all the drama(s). Mane yang maki sane sini, mane yang pakai name 'Allah' stakat nak tunjuk baik diri dia, and many many more.

And guess what, I wasn't being left out! I know right? Biar betul orang-orang nie! Just because I recently blog on my PERSONAL review on Han's Skin Care and what good this product has done on me, I had people e-mailing/inbox/messaging me this and that. Just because that post of mine went viral, many came telling me "WHY DO I BLOG ON THINGS THAT ARE NOT TRUE?"

Eh chill lah people~

Since when i blog on things that are not true? The pictures you see on this blog, is ME. The changes you see in the photos happens to MY skin. I did state that I had peelings for 3 weeks. I experience the pain on the 4th day when i put on the tonner but it lasted for less than 2 minutes. I also state that i had flushy red cheek during this process due to the peeling. Part mane lah pulak blog I tipu orang eh? You saw with your own eyes, my pictures are my proof.

Let me just ask those of you who are reading my blog - how many of you out there is a Han's Skin Care user yourself, like me? How many of you nampak the positive changes in your skin condition? I believe there's more than my fingers can count! I believe many of you out there are very much appalled by this unbelievable news. Chins up my dear, don't be affected. Look around you, look at those who are using the 'next-in-thing-product' ade ke anyone yang really show their face, stakat type-type aje, anyone can type their review on their 'flawless' journey BUT look at the skincare that you're using so many people are happy that they nak show-off the positive changes that they've seen. People are reviewing it with photos and words, which is the total opposite of the 'next-in-thing' product.

 HSA was alerted to these products after receiving feedback from consumers who were concerned about the safety of Han's Skin Care Products which were sold online. 

 Uhhhh: Please tell me someone can read in between the lines.

HSA's investigations are still ongoing.

So in this statement: It states very clearly that investigations are still ongoing, they never mention anything with regards to Han's Skin Care being banned.Well, people might as it depends on how you interpret this message. Ohhhh ye ke.. If police say investigation is still ongoing does that mean the person that is in custody is the culprit? No right? Uh same lah ni.. As long as they never release an official statement of this product being banned in Singapore like Esther and Tabitha, selagi tuh lah many people will still believe in this product.

And anyway, whichever whitening products also will contain mercury. If you read in the news, they did not mentioned if the mercury level is high. They used a very simple term as "harmful" ingredients. I don't see any wrong in this, it's totally up to the individual to use it.

I seriously cannot tahan all this drama about Wonderglow Vs Han's Skin Care. Seriously. It's like kalau this product have mouth dia mesti cakap "Eh korang, nak pakai, korang pakai, tak nak pakai, dah sudah. Takmo susah-susahkan orang lain!" hehehe, i bet korang pon rase same kan kan kan...

Speaking of this Wonderglow, I've nothing against this product or anything against their agent, But it would be great if someone explain this to me, a lab test that was done and look at the amount of mercury this product has. The test was done on 3rd of December 2013, which is about a month or so?

and after that please clarify with me if I'm wrong, Is the man below, the owner of Wonderglow?

Translation: Esther is also our product that i being distributed in other country with a different quality. There's no real issue here, actually.

EHHHH! Wait! What... Esther? Bace balik eh.. Eh betol lah! Esther! Isn't Esther a product that was banned in Singapore late last year.

This is how Esther Bleaching cream looks like:

So paham eh. I've also come across photos of people ripping off Wonderglow packaging tadaaaa, it was just a repacking, stakat tampal sticker over.

When that photo went viral - Wonderglow suddenly came out with a new packaging which looks like this:

So yah, you be the judge. See this and evaluate yourself.
Sebab I'm very tired having to answer people's email with regards to this Han's Skin Care Vs WonderGlow.

And bagi sape-sape yang macam tak tau adat dan adap, message i maki-maki, dengan takda cara, Sorry eh, I tak layan your email or messages. Takde makna nak layan orang yang kurang adat sopan nya. Tatasusila tuh mesti jage, itukan harga jati diri seseorang. So paham eh?

I'm not saying that Han's Skin Care won't be banned, the probability of it being ban in Singapore is kinda high since there's so many people wants this product down. I'm not losing hope on this product being approved by HSA after further investigation.

But like I say before It's okay, those of you who are using Han's, continue using it, because I am not going to stop this wonderful product for myself. Hands down, Han's Skin Care is the best facial product that I've used. Period.

Till Then,

Ps: This post confirm viral lagi, tengok je lah!

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